Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Week 12 - Wednesday: Rookies Results

This year I entered the annual Autodesk competition The Rookies. I was eager to see how my work would stack up against the competition from other schools and disciplines from across the creative field. I was surprised to be announced as a finalist for an internship at Cambridge based game studio Ninja Theory. Unfortunately I didn't win the internship which is a shame because I feel that if I had been able to include work from my major project I would have had a much better chance. In either case being a finalist was a great confidence boost to me as an environment artist. My final rank for my competition entry was a B, which means I have a lot of areas I can improve in.

My final rank for the competition.

I entered into the competition with six pieces of work, four of which recieved an award for excellence much to my surprise.

My work recieved four excellence awards.

Overall The Rookies has provided me with the perfect opportunity to compare myself with the talent now entering the industry. Some entrants had very impressive portfolios and I have identified areas where my work has fallen short. Right now my main concern is to create more pieces that demonstrate the skills I have acquired over the course of my Master’s degree. Because the competition ended before my course had finished, I wasn't able to include my most recent work which I feel is the strongest. Next year I would like to enter the competition again and see if I can hit that A rank!

The certificate I recieved via email.

This has been an excellent experience to take part in and I feel that I can use these accolades to bolster my CV as I continue to apply for work within the industry.

AUTODESK (2018) The Rookies - The highest honour for creative media & entertainment students. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 08/08/2018]

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