Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Week 10 - Tuesday: Additional Rooms

I have been creating additional rooms to flesh out the mansion environment that should create the illusion that the level is much larger than it actually is. I have done this by creating a long corridor that branches off from the main entrance hall and opens up into a larger space. When viewed from the stairway it creates a nice sense of scale.

The hallway viewed from the staircase.

Using my established criteria for defining interior space, I have tried to use the boundaries of this hallway to constrain the players movements, locking them in one direction as they proceed down the long corridor. I think this creates a sense of foreboding and I am looking forward to reflecting this in my promotional video, as I want the camera to glide slowly down the hallway as the music intensifies.

The hallway corridor which will be bridging the entrance hall and sitting room together.
The hallway has been constructed of smaller components that I will be repeating within Unreal Engine. I created these curtains with the intention that they could be seen from the exterior as well, hinting that the player can explore in that direction.

Modular curtains and windows.

I want to simulate light beams being projected through the curtains as I think this will further illustrate the time of day and make the player feel the heat and stuffiness of the building.

Here are my curtains textured within Substance Painter. I sneakily reused my wallpaper texture and recoloured it red.

The curtains themselves were created using the cloth simulation similar to my carpet model. I have kept them quite low poly.

BARNWELL, J. (2017) Production Design for Screen: Visual Storytelling in Film and Television. New York: Bloomsbury Visual Arts.

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