Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Week 11 - Tuesday: Interview with Playground Games

I've just gotten off a skype interview with Don Arceta the lead environment artist at Playground Games. I received some feedback on my major project environment that I will be adding to my Unreal Engine scene. The main points of critique were for the floor in the hallway, that he said looked far too rough, and that the walls that could perhaps have the imprints of where portraits used to hang on them.

One of the shots that I recieved feedback on.

I enjoyed the interview and have taken this as an opportunity to improve my handling of a professional interview setting. I was somewhat nervous but I tried to prepare for the interview by gathering as much information that I could, to answer any questions he may have had about my work. I was asked to reflect on what I felt was my weakest and strongest areas, but fortunately this question did not catch me off guard as I have been reflecting on these very things as I write my blog.

I was complimented on my work and Don said he was loving my environment so far. I asked questions about where I would fit within the company and was told it would be somewhere within the asset team. To my surprise however I was told that most of the 3D modelling was outsourced to a third party. I found this a shame because this is my favourite part of the process. For my career I would ideally like to be one of the people creating the 3D assets, so I will be continuing to apply for other opportunities in addition to this.

Whilst this may not lead to anything, I am confident that my work can stand up to scrutiny. I look forward to completing this project so that I can fully display it on my Artstation page. I only showed Don work-in-progress screenshots on the Polycount forums so I am eager to finish this and show it off properly.

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